Five New Hampshire companies were named finalists for the 2019 NH Tech Alliance’s Product of the Year (POY) Award competition. Selected by a panel of judges, the five will compete for the 2019 POY honors on Thursday, October 24, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Manchester Country Club in Bedford. Finalists are: 

  • SpotOn Virtual Smart Fence from OnPoint Systems is a comprehensive, easy-to-use dog safety system that integrates perimeter containment capabilities and tracking systems without the need for buried wires or base stations and professional installation. To ensure the dog stays safely within the programmed boundaries, the collar provides a series of audio warned followed by an optional static correction. The system is nationally recognized by trainers and pet experts as effective and humane.
  • Enviro-WallCover from LDI Solutions is a low-cost, abrasion resistant, PVC-free wallcovering. In addition to being PVC-Free, Enviro-WallCover helps contribute to LEED points because of its 70% bio-based renewable content and 38% post-consumer recycled content. LDI Solutions develops products to reduce the use of toxic chemicals linked to environmental and health safety concerns.
  • MAV3K is an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) for manufacturing. It’s ease-of-use means customers can add AMRs to their factory with the people, processes, equipment and workflow they already have. Waypoint Robotics develops products that can be put to work immediately to increase efficiency and strengthen a company’s workforce. 
  • SitePortal Remote Monitoring software provides the insight and information to manage the full scope of a communications infrastructure that includes the DAS, Wi-Fi and public safety in one platform. C Squared Systems is a privately held company that has helped organizations establish, manage and expand their communications systems.
  • The Radianse platform is a complete system designed to automatically integrate various sources of data into real-time, actionable intelligence. The fusion of indoor and outdoor technologies allows the user to monitor, locate and control high-value assets in all environments, including while on the move.

The POY competition will include tabletop demonstrations, a live seven-minute pitch and a real-time selection of this year’s top product. POY celebrates the innovative products developed within the past year and provides a platform for entrepreneurs and inventors to receive free advice, major product promotion and podium time in front of hundreds of tech leaders and audience members.

“The tech industry in New Hampshire is a great driver for our economy and future development, and POY celebrates the innovators and entrepreneurs in the Granite State,” said Julie Demers, executive director of the NH Tech Alliance. “We look forward to hearing from the five POY finalists and crowning the 2019 POY winner.”

Tickets to the event and additonal information can be found here.