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Granite Media Group Inc. offers so much more than Business NH Magazine, which prints every month. We also offer an e-newsletter, custom publishing services and we are the parent company of EventsNH, an events management company that produces NH's largest consumer trade show – the Made in NH Try It & Buy It Expo.

Take a look at the other unique opportunities we offer.

Contract Publishing
Our contract publishing services can save you money and time and provide your organization with quality custom pieces to promote your brand. We can even produce the content! Reach out to our sales team today. 

Events, Roundtables and Seminars
In addition to our regular annual events, such as Industry Forecast, Breakfast With The Best, The Made in NH Expo, Private 100 Reception, the Health Care Summit, the Lean & Green breakfast, and Business of The Year, the creative staff of EventsNH is always developing new events such as Self-Made in New Hampshire. We can also manage your events.
Reach out to our events department today.

Ad Overruns
Overruns of your ad, with the backside of the page blank, are available from Business NH Magazine. These sheets make great additions to sales kits, direct mailings or other marketing efforts. Overruns must be ordered by the material due date for the ad that you wish duplicated and will be delivered upon the issue's publication date. Full payment is due with the order. Rates for any size ad up to a full page, four-color are:

500 overruns $725
1,000 overruns $1,300
2,000 overruns $2,500

Advertising Design and Layout
Uncertain where to turn to create your ad? Business NH Magazine has a complete production facility available, including ad design, layout and copywriting services. Our services are available for $95 per hour, a fraction of what you would pay elsewhere.

Competitively Priced Reprints
Put the reputation of our magazine behind your company. Reprints are great for handouts, as part of a press pack and as tradeshow giveaways. Reprints lend credibility to your message. Contact your account executive for pricing.

Have a marketing piece that you think will wow readers? Inserts can be blown in, tipped on, bound in, or tucked in a polybag for any issue.

Annual Business Resource Directory
Both NH business executives and executives from other states looking to move or expand to the Granite State use this annual compendium of key NH information. And they reference this book repeatedly throughout the year. Distribution goes to our entire circulation as well as to members of key business organizations.

Sponsored Supplements
Many companies have an interesting story that simply can't be told in a one-page ad. Our creative department will design a custom piece that affords you the room to tell our readers why they should buy from you. Plus reach 50,000 business leaders when you include it in an upcoming issue of Business NH Magazine.

Up Close and Professional
This special section allows vendors to get up close and personal with thousands of buyers both in New Hampshire and out. Each profile costs $2,195, and includes a 600-word story about your company, one four-color photograph, company logo, and contact information, and comes with a PDF for your website.

Bonus Distribution
Our magazines and guides get around – at Chambers of Commerce across the state, to members of business organizations, both private and public, at numerous expos, tradeshows and at all Business NH Magazine events. Bonus distribution lowers your cost per thousand and exposes your products and services to new prospects.

Online averages roughly 28,000 unique visitors every month. We have a lot of opportunities to participate. Contact our sales team to learn more about using digital advertising to expand your print campaign.