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Pimping Out Your About Us Page

Published Wednesday Apr 6, 2016


The “About Us” page is one of the most important on an organization’s website and often has high traffic volumes. Visitors who read these pages have a keen interest in learning more about your business, which could lead to a new customer or profitable partnership.

These recommendations should help you create an About Us page that attracts interest, delivers the information people want and wins customers.

Determine your intention: Decide how you want people to feel and keep that theme consistent.

Consider your audience: Keep in mind potential customers’ challenges and objectives, making sure to  address both.

Be personable: For most companies, a friendly, welcoming tone is better than bland corporate-speak. Keep the tone conversational and write in the first person.

Use facts: Sell yourself with figures, not superlatives. Explain the history and background of both your business and employees, focusing heavily on how you’ve helped customers in the past and continue to do so.

Include Testimonials: Customer feedback can be a powerful promotional tool. To add credibility, include their full name, relevant details and photo, if possible. Customer-focused awards and accreditations are also invaluable.

Consider multimedia: Photos, timelines, videos or other media can hold viewers’ interest longer than straight text. Although you don’t necessarily need a photo of every employee, head shots of top executives and general photos of happy workers can add character to your brand. However, never use stock photos. 

Tout your story and values: Focus on milestones and anecdotes and avoid a detailed, year-by-year recounting of your company history. Explain why a product or service is important to you and describe any company charitable activities. 

Keep it current: Update the page whenever your company experiences a significant change, such as acquiring a major new customer, introducing a new product or entering a new market.

Evaluate it: Seek out constructive criticism, both internally and from your customers. Check your web analytics for traffic volumes, visit duration and bounce rates.

Bottom Line: The About Us page is one of the most important elements of a company’s website. Avoid a page full of promotional hype and opt for detailing your company’s true character.

Adapted from an article written by William Comcowich, founder and CMO of CyberAlert, a media monitoring company headquartered in Connecticut. 

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