We’re a state of green thumbs. This is NH’s rank for citizens interested in a backyard makeover.
Source: Shedplans analyses of Google Trends data for yard-related search terms
6 in 10
The small business owners who say they pay too much in credit card processing fees.
Source: WalletHub
The percent of teens who say rising education costs have affected their education plans following high school.
Source: Junior Achievement and Citizens Bank
American workers who say staffing shortages are contributing to employee burnout.
Source: The 2022 Eagle Hill Consulting Workforce Burnout Survey of 1,003 U.S. workers conducted by Ipsos
Did You Know?
In 2021, the Granite State’s maple syrup industry ranked first for exports among U.S. states for the first time since 2004.
Source: NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs