$2.8 Billion
That’s the value of the unpaid care provided by the 168,000 caregivers in NH, a $500 million increase since 2019.
Source: AARP’s latest report in the Valuing the Invaluable series at aarp.org/valuing
The share of employees who use traffic as the top excuse for being late to work. That excuse is gonna be awkward when the boss remembers
you’re remote.
Source: WorkYard survey of 1,600 people
The Granite State rounds out the list of the top 10 states with the lowest rate of vacant homes for rent. New Hampshire’s vacancy rate is 4% while first-place Massachusetts has a rate of 2.8%.
Source: TexasRealEstateSource.com examined housing data from the US census for renter properties across the country
$7.3 Billion
The record- setting value of exports from NH in 2022, nearly $1 billion more than the state’s exports in 2021.
Source: U.S. Congressman Chris Pappas
Did You Know?
Downtown Manchester’s popular Taco Tour returns May 4. The event attracts tens of thousands of visitors, with 73% of surveyed attendees in 2022 stating they discovered a new restaurant at Taco Tour and 83% reporting they would
return to downtown in the near future.
Source: Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce