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Get Focused in the New Year

Published Wednesday Jan 8, 2014


“I just need time to think.”

How many times have you heard co-workers utter those words, or even said it yourself?

Perhaps you don’t have time to think because you don’t have time to catch up. And you don’t have time to catch up because in today’s crazy busy world you are tethered to electronic devices; Smartphones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth, all unleashing a tsunami of information that streams through all day—emails, IMs, Tweets, voice mails.

You can make a conscious effort not to respond but it can feel futile.  When you hear that ding, beep, or feel that little tickle on your belt, or when your phone does the vibration tango on your desk, recent brain activity research shows it triggers a neurological impulse that demands a response. And with Pavlovian-like speed, you feel the urge to read and respond while your hopes for a productive day at work slip away. That’s why, when you open your email and find 68 messages, you choose to respond to each one right away, fully cognizant of the fact that as you respond the respondee is responding to your response.

Meetings are another culprit.  In our executive coaching practice, we ask our clients to show us their calendar for the next 30 days so we can see where their time and energy is directed.  They reluctantly and sometimes with a great deal of embarrassment, begin to explain away their double and triple-booked calendar. We often ask:  Why are you included in this meeting? or What are the three meetings this week that are critical?, and then the killer question:  When will you prepare for these meetings or review the materials you receive?  As you read this, you may be nodding your head sympathetically as many of us find ourselves in the same quandary. We’re working harder, but not necessarily working effectively.   

The endless barrage of information and demands on our time take a toll on our energy levels, often without us being fully aware of it.  Slowly, our capacity for deep listening, creativity, and good decision making slips away. To counter this, we help our clients develop practices to build their capacity to focus so that they can be the leaders they want to be - not overwhelmed and reactive but instead more energized and thoughtful.

The very first thing may be to admit to yourself one reality of today: You may never… ever... be caught up. You could work 24/7 and there would still be opportunities for you to do more.  The second thing to consider is this quote from investor Warren Buffet, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.”  While we know that we can’t simply say “no” to our boss whenever we want to, there’s a gem of wisdom in this quote that reminds us that saying “no” in ways that offer reasonable alternatives is possible.

But, ultimately, what might be most helpful for your overall well-being  and productivity is to build your capacity to FOCUS and here are five tips to get you started:

1.     Focus on important and complex things early in the day. When we’re rested and fresh, those big hairy tasks usually don’t feel as ominous as they do at 4:30 in the afternoon. Clear the calendar for 40 minutes, turn off everything, select one task, and dedicate your energy to just one thing.

2.     Opt out of as many meetings as possible for two weeks and see what happens. We hear the same comment from many of our coaching clients – “I don’t know why I was invited to that meeting.” Ask a colleague who’s attending to provide you with an email update of the top three issues/decisions/actions that came out of the meeting and consider whether or not you should attend next time or not.

3.     Create an energy shift every 90 minutes. The folks from The Energy Project ( have plenty of research that indicates that our bodies need a break every 90 minutes to refuel and recharge.  Keep it short, simple and physical like a three minute walk to the cafeteria, a quick climb on the stairway, or some stretching in an empty conference room.

4.     Unplug from the screens and gadgets at least one hour before bedtime. Research shows that quality of sleep really matters and that being in bed but still awake, or in a light sleep, reduces daytime alertness significantly. All that stimulus from TV screens, gadgets and stressful emails will impact your ability to slip into the all-important REM sleep cycle.

5.     Stop-doing list. Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, says that the best New Year’s resolution is creating his stop-doing list which forces him to allocate the most precious resource of all:  time.   If you search for stop-doing list, you’ll find lots of tips on how this important reflective process will help you find the time to think about what really matters to you in 2014.

What might your life be like next year if you were more focused, had more energy, and more personal job satisfaction?  Perhaps a boost in productivity and well-being rather than thinking you have to trade-off one for the other.

Sue Williamson is an executive coach and co-founder of 3D Leadership Group based in Wellesley, MA. Over her 30-year career, she has worked with over 50 companies with early stage to c-suite leaders in the Biotech/Pharma, Financial Service, Professional Service, Insurance, High Tech, Higher Education, and Non-Profit industries. Her career has included senior leadership operational roles as well as consulting prior to her practice as a Certified Executive Coach.  For more information, visit


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