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Every Company's #1 Complaint? Communication.

Published Wednesday Mar 2, 2016


When people are looking to create effectiveness and confidence in their workplace, one of their common complaints is that communication within their business and lives is ineffective. They might also mention that company leadership needs help and job training is incomplete, but solving both of these problems begins with mastering effective communication skills. 

Here is a communication checklist to enhance workplace effectiveness: 

  1. Body language is 55% of your communicating. Be engaging.

  2. 39% of your communication is tone and pacing. Use your inside voice and be kind.

  3. Only 6% of your communication is words. Choose them wisely.

  4. Listen and be present. It indicates respect.

  5. Stop doing what you are doing, put your phone down, look people in the eye when you speak.

  6. Speak in a way that people can hear you.

  7. Bring information that is timely and relevant.

  8. Gossip is not necessary and it makes people suspicious of your motives.

  9. Return calls immediately.

  10. Respond eagerly to emails that need information.

  11. Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. Accountability is everything.

  12. Stop interrupting people no matter how important you think your information is.

 And remember, according to Peter Drucker, the most important thing in communication is to hear what is not being said.  

Natalie R. Manor is the founder and CEO of Natalie Manor & Associates, a business coaching group in Tennessee.

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