President and CEO:  Bill Condron

Years in Business: 51 (25 in NH)

Full-time Employees: 651 (342 in NH)

Years on List: 4 (Plus 1 year in Hall of Fame)

The Granite Group knows its customers can buy anything it sells within a five-mile radius or a click of a button and recognizes that its employees are the ones who keep customers coming back. As a result, it works hard to empower and engage employees. Each of its branches has the freedom to manage teams as they see fit, and branches are encouraged to essentially be their own company. Every quarter, the CEO and president visit each branch, order dinner and listen to each member.

The Granite Group’s wellness program reimburses $100 annually for gym membership, own and employees can also get reimbursed $150 through the health insurance plan, $250 per year for any fitness related activity and up to $100 annually for trying out a new class like barre, Pilates or yoga.

TGG provides each new hire with a “seasonal swag kit” that includes branded clothing and accessories relevant to their work environment.

The company holds its TGG University annually, geared toward emerging leaders. Employees are partnered with an outside facilitator, work on real-world projects and present their project to the executive team. Upon graduation, participants were surprised with a $2,500 bonus each.

The company also has a trainee program designed to take recent college graduates, those exiting the military, or others with limited experience and aggressively train them to step into an operations management or sales role within two years. Trainees are offered a loan repayment of up to $1,200 a year. The company also offers all employees up to $5,250 annually for continuing education, including conferences, credits and degrees.

This year TGG added extensive trainings for each branch position that includes a welcome video from the CEO and a course on the company’s culture that highlights the way it gives back to the community. TGG also formed a Women's Business Resource Group that will help to recruit and retain women.