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Works Cafe to Mark Equal Pay Day

Published Monday Mar 26, 2018

The Works Cafe; will again participate in National Equal Pay Day on April 10 by providing a 20 percent discount to women in all eight cafes. This discount is equivalent to the percentage in the wage gap between men and women. Nationally, women are paid just 80 cents for every dollar a man is paid.

Equal pay means more prosperity for families. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, providing equal pay would bring 3.1 million working women and their families out of poverty. That means 25.8 million children would benefit from closing the wage gap.

“I grew up with a single mom,” says Richard French, president of The Works Cafe. “I know first-hand the implications of the wage gap -- how hard my mom had to work to make ends meet. That’s why it’s a critical issue for me now. I want to urge others to connect the dots between wages and the health of families.”

Equal Pay Day was created in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity. It is held in April to symbolize how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.

The Works Cafe partners for Equal Pay Day include Granite State Progress and MomsRising. The Works Cafe is an eight-unit regional bakery cafe concept founded in 1988 with cafes in NH, Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts.


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