Vapotherm in Exeter plans a major expansion in its capital equipment manufacturing capabilities to enable the company to increase production of its precision flow systems by up to 20 times above pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. At maximum capacity, Vapotherm’s manufacturing increase would add 350 manufacturing jobs in Exeter.

This expansion is the result of increased demand for the company’s Precision Flow Hi-VNI system, which can help treatrespiratory distress experienced by COVID-19 patients. It's a high-flow nasal cannula system (HFNC) using high velocity that helps people breathe.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated a process we were already seeing of respiratory experts recognizing the benefits of our Precision Flow Hi-VNI system for treating patients with all types of respiratory distress,” said Joe Army, CEO of Vapotherm. “As hospitals and governments across the United States and around the world prepare for potential future waves of COVID-19 patients and subsequent pandemics involving respiratory disease, we are expanding our manufacturing capabilities to be in a position to meet the needs of hospitals and patients for our therapy."

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of public health authorities expressed support for the use of HFNC as a first line of therapy for treating those hospitalized with COVID-19 rather than use intubation and mechanical ventilation from the start.

Vapotherm received a $9.9 million blanket purchase agreement from the Department of Defense in May for 51 hospitals. Vapotherm is the only HFNC company eligible under this agreement.