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Unitil Files to Increase Distribution Rates for NH Customers

Published Tuesday Jun 13, 2017

The NH local distribution utility of Unitil Corporation in Hampton, an electricity and natural gas utility company covering areas in NH, Massachusetts and Maine, filed a rate case with the NH Public Utilities Commission requesting approval to increase its natural gas distribution base rates. Unitil is requesting an increase of $4.7 million in base revenue, or an increase of approximately 7 percent over total operating revenue.

Residential energy service rates are typically set twice annually through rate cases filed by individual electric utilities at the Public Utilities Commission, according to the commission's website. Though uncommon, the website also says rates sometimes change more or less frequently than these biannual filings.

The filing includes a request for temporary rates effective August 1, 2017; a final order on the filing is expected in mid-2018. The filing also includes a proposal for a multi-year rate plan which would provide for the recovery of costs associated with operational and safety-related improvements and upgrades Unitil is making to its gas distribution system in NH over the next several years. 

If the rates are approved as filed, the typical residential gas heating customer using an average of 62 therms would see a monthly increase of $10.10, or about 10 percent. Impacts on other individual customers will vary depending upon rate class and usage characteristics.

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