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This Robot will Clear Your Driveway

Published Friday Dec 16, 2016

For most Granite Staters, even the most hardy among us, waking up on a weekday morning to a driveway filled with snow means one of three things: Grab the shovel, call the plow or crank up the truck or snowblower. And do it in time to get out the door and get to work. But what if there was a fourth solution? The New York City-based startup The Kobi Company has a solution: Kobi
Kobi is a new autonomous robot about the size of a child's electric car that plows your driveway while you sit in your warm house having your morning cup of coffee. It can also mow lawns and blow leaves. The new robot is now in testing phase having just been introduced. When available for sale next year, it will cost about $4,000. The kobi is powered by a lithium ion battery and controlled wirelessly through a cell phone app. It can throw snow up to 40 feet and has a silent motor. Read more about it here.

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