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This Leap Day Organize Your Office

Published Wednesday Feb 29, 2012

OFM, an office and school furniture manufacturer and distributor, is sharing five tips to help workers make the most out of Leap Day, by getting organized and becoming more productive.

No one likes to take time out of their workweek to clean and organize their desk, even though it will help you be more productive and happier in the long run, says Blake Zalcberg, chief operating officer of OFM. That's why we recommend you do it on Leap Day, that one extra day we get every four years. If you can't organize when you literally have an extra day, when will you?

Zalcberg and OFM's staff of office furniture professionals share the following:

  • Clean your desk. Many people have a tendency to stack papers and other materials in mutiple piles, which can be helpful in the short term. But if those piles are for projects that are finished, file them or throw them away.
  • Keep it close. For paperwork that you need to reference frequently, consider a rolling file pedestal. And place important files in a red folder at the near end of the drawer for quick reference.
  • De-clutter. That novelty softball with a vendor's logo on it? The old mug with a broken handle? All those extra pens? You don't need them. If you aren't going to use something on a regular basis, it's just clutter. Throw it away.
  • Get virtually tidy. Don't forget your computer. Too many people work off of desktops full of dozens of icons for old spreadsheets and documents. If you don't want to spend time organizing them, just put them all in a single folder and keep your desktop clear.
  • Wipe it down. Bring a spray bottle of a common household cleaner to work. Not only will it keep your desk germ-free to wipe it down from time to time, but it will also remind you to keep your desk clear enough that you can.

A clean desk means fewer distractions and it makes it easier to find important documents. It also subconsciously makes you feel good about your environment which can lead to increased productivity, said Zalcberg. You can spend at least a third of your day at your desk. It should feel like a good place to be.

Founded in 1995, OFM is headquartered in Holly Springs, N.C. and has operations in Phoenix, Ariz., and Taiwan. OFM contracts with manufacturers in Mexico, Taiwan and China to design furniture and products that meet high industry standards. The company specializes in providing affordable, quality furniture through a dealer network to businesses, government offices, health care and educational facilities. OFM products are sold through a variety of retailers, mail-order catalogs and online dealers including, Corporate Express, and National Business Furniture. To learn more about OFM, visit

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