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The Influencer Index

Published Tuesday Feb 21, 2012

Elections and an economy in flux means NH's power base could dramatically shift in the next year. But really, with politicians changing so often they should consider installing a revolving door in the Statehouse, and with fewer local large companies with deep pockets, the question is: Does anyone have any true power in the state?

With that question looming, Business NH Magazine reconsidered its annual 10 Most Powerful People feature. We asked business leaders what people really want to know, and they said: Who is influential? Who can get things done or have access to those who can? And so we debut the Business NH Magazine Influencer Index, featuring 65 people, families and organizations that make it happen. This new list, features familiar names as well as folks who ply their power of persuasion behind the scenes.

So how did folks make the Influencer Index? We surveyed leaders in a number of industry sectors and from across the state-those in the know-asking them who do they call when they need to get something done or make a connection. The nominations came pouring in. From there we examined who received the most votes, from whom and why. Because we promised anonymity, quotes about people's reasons for nominating influencers remain unattributed.

The results are Business NH Magazine's 2012 Influencer Index. Each has an influence meter that is a reflection of the votes they received and people's perception of their influence: Keep in mind that no matter how high or low the number, everyone on this list starts at the base line of being considered highly influential.

No matter where they rank on the meter, they are all people we recommend getting to know.

Over the next several weeks, we'll profile one Influencer each day and learn how these men and women "make it happen" in NH.

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