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PR Fundamentals

Published Thursday Mar 17, 2016

In a world where technology floods people with information, it is harder and harder to get your voice heard. The following fundamentals will help build a strong brand presence through effective PR strategies.

1.) Become your own news source
Entrepreneurs should define what they want to accomplish, craft a message aimed at achieving this goal and circulate that message. Create an easily accessible news section on the home page of your website and fill it with well-written articles about your business, while also making sure to share them on social media. Creating original content and linking readers back to your website is invaluable for search engine optimization.

2.) Be honest and transparent
Always be honest and never try to cover up something from the public or media. Being proactive with negative situations as fast as you would with positive situations can help you to tell your side of the story and potentially generate positive exposure from media outlets.

3.) Be persistent and consistent
News organizations will likely overlook or miss some of the many press releases they receive each day. Don’t hesitate to contact assignment desks and editors about your company’s latest release. Use the opportunity to give them a brief pitch on why your story is important. 

4.) Broaden your horizons to get noticed
Only promoting your business in industry publications or writing about topics within your professional wheelhouse can limit your brand’s sphere of influence. Don’t let your comfort zone be a limitation; you'll stand out more if you are a musician on ESPN rather than just another artist on VH1. 

5.) Patience is key
Like gardening, PR doesn’t produce results overnight. It takes time and effort to get content covered by media outlets, so keep trying even if you don’t immediately see the results you want.  And if you want better, faster outcomes, change your approach or seek additional help from a PR firm. 

Judge Public Relations is a veteran owned, full-service public relations, marketing, creative services and crowdfunding acceleration firm headquartered in Florida.

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