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Picking the Best Cash-Driven Diet Program

Published Tuesday Mar 8, 2016

There are many companies looking to sell employers wellness program that reward and penalize employees for healthy and unhealthy activities. But how do you determine which programs are legitimate and whivh might be a scam?

1.  Prize funding: Where does the prize money come from? Is it guaranteed and, if so, how is it guaranteed? Are their any fees involved? Know how you are being paid for your success, and the safeguards that have been put into place to guarantee payout when the time comes. If the organization does not have quick and upfront answers to these questions, it may be wise to move along.

2. Tools & Accountability: A large part of weight-loss success, with or without financial incentives, are the tools and accountability measures provided along the way. What tools, resources and overall support mechanisms does the organization or program offer?  An initiative lacking in resources and/or any sort of accountability program may not have your weight-loss best interest in mind.

3. Verified weigh-ins: A process for verifying weight both at the start and finish of a challenge-driven program, whether through a third-party or some other clearly defined protocol, is essential for eliminating fraudulent participants and ensuring payout when it’s is due.

4. Better Business Bureau: It’s prudent to always check with the Better Business Bureau before doing business with any online company (or most any other company, for that matter). Check the rating—nothing less than an "A" should be acceptable. If there are complaints, make sure they've been resolved before moving forward.

5. Credible testimonials and reviews: Both corporate partner and actual participant testimonials will speak volumes when it comes to the legitimacy of an organization. Media coverage should also be considered. What media outlets are covering the organization, and are any high profile? And, what exactly do they have to say about the programs being offered? Look for testimonials from Fortune 500 companies, major national magazines, top-tier newspapers and major network TV coverage.

6. Experts: Who is behind the company and the programs offered? While most organizations will tout the body of research highlighting the effectiveness of employing financial incentives and penalties for inducing weight-loss, dig a little deeper to understand the background of those designing and contributing to the actual weight-loss programming. Industry experts, physicians and researchers should be present, either on staff or in advisory roles.

7. Third party products: These should not even be a consideration. If the organization you are working with requires you to purchase outside supplements, accessories, food or any other products  to win the prize for your weight-loss,move on as they are looking to make money and not make people healthier.

8. Extra/hidden fees: Like third party products, there should be no additional or hidden fees beyond what is paid up front (or via a clearly outlined installment payment plan). Fees to “unlock” features, to reveal standings or receive your winnings are an indicator that something may be fishy—or at the very least that facilitating your success is sadly cash-conditional.

9. Charitable relationships: If a company indicates that they donate to a charity based on your loss or your success in their program, make sure you fully investigate those claims before signing on the proverbial dotted line. Is the charity itself legitimate? How much do the charities actually receive? Do the charities list the organization as an official donor? Is it a charity that aligns with your personal values? Does the charity itself make sure that the donations reach the intended recipients?

10. Dedicated support: If you're endeavoring to start your weight-loss journey with cash prizes in mind to keep you motivated, inevitably you are going to have questions. Whether by email, by phone, or both—a live person should be prompt, courteous and knowledgeable about the product.

Further, if you're a business owner, HR, benefits or other professional looking to partner with a dieting-for-dollars organization for a group initiative, there should be a step beyond Customer Support to make sure the endeavor is fruitful. Having an account manager dedicated to the success of your company and proactive in throughout process is essential.

11. Transparency: Stats and standings are a necessity. If you are not able to track your progress toward your goal, or see how close you are to achieving your prize, something is amiss. 

For business groups, the company-side administrator should have insight into their program whether through an employer dashboard or other reporting process. Key metrics may include how well the employees are performing and how much cost-savings or other benefits have accrued as a direct result of participation. From enrollment to overall weight-loss, analytics and performance should be transparent from the start.

Given the financial upside and the fact that they’re just plain fun, it’s no wonder that diet competitions and weight-loss betting programs are exploding in popularity in homes and companies across America and beyond. However, a touch of due diligence for the considerations above is critical before you pay to play, or you just might be left with a bad taste in your mouth.

HealthyWage develops and administers health incentive programs.

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