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October's King of Clutter

Published Friday Nov 8, 2013

This month’s king was turned in by someone he has worked with for a decade. The floor under, behind and in front of his desk, and the entire wall to the left of his desk are stacked with piles of papers, articles, files and boxes. “For the most part, his mind is a file cabinet full of statistics, rules, and information about our [organization] and clients, and he could tell you with almost exact precision what is in each pile, even under his desk, excepting the boxes; they haven’t been opened in years,” says the clutter informant. “I suppose it is safe to say that if he were ever to be on any reality TV show, Hoarders would be it.”

 We know there are more out there. If you or someone you know is the king or queen of clutter, send us proof for a chance to win a $25 gift card. We will print a winning entry each month, but protect the identity of the not so innocent. Email entries to


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