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NH Senate Votes to Uphold RGGI

Published Monday Sep 12, 2011

A bipartisan group of senators has voted to uphold Governor Lynch's veto of a bill that would have removed New Hampshire from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Consistent with the views of more than 140 NH businesses that signed an open letter asking legislators to retain RGGI, the senators voted to have NH continue to participate in and benefit from RGGI.

Last spring, the Legislature passed a bill that would have removed NH from the 10-state compact. In July, Governor Lynch vetoed that bill. Late last week, the New Hampshire Senate upheld that veto.

Conservation NH applauds this bipartisan group for listening to leading New Hampshire businesses, conservation organizations and economists, and for reaffirming that RGGI is in the best economic interest of the state, said Conservation NH Board Chair Elizabeth Hager. More than $26 million in RGGI revenue has been invested in creating jobs and reducing costs for New Hampshire families, businesses and local governments. Instead of succumbing to out-of-state special interests, these senators have put New Hampshire's interests first, Hager said.

Voting to uphold the Governor's veto were: Senate President Peter Bragdon and Minority Leader Sylvia Larsen among others.

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