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NH Gets the 211 on Health and Human Services

Published Wednesday Aug 13, 2008

New Hampshire residents now have one number to call for information on community health and human services statewide. In June, NH became the 19th state to institute a statewide 211 phone system connecting residents with after-school programs, housing assistance, mental health services and other services.

It's completely free to the user, says Patrick Tufts, president and CEO of Heritage United Way and managing director of the 211 program. Tufts says the system makes the state's United Ways' information and referral services more efficient and takes pressure off emergency rooms and 911, which receive such requests. The 211 system is a public-private partnership between the United Ways of NH and Public Service Company of NH, which is providing an in-kind donation of technology and space in its Manchester call center. Tufts expects 211 to eventually receive 65,000 to 70,000 calls annually. The program cost $500,000 to institute, with funding provided by PSNH, the state, Citizens Bank Foundation, NH Charitable Foundation and Exeter Hospital. For more information, visit

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