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Increase Your Visibility and Connect with New Audiences

Published Tuesday Jun 7, 2022

Author Emily Aborn

Increase Your Visibility and Connect with New Audiences

Have you ever been called “the best-kept secret?” It might seem like a compliment, but it’s not the best growth strategy. If people who need your message, products and services can’t find you, how can they work with you?

Enter visibility. Visibility keeps you top-of-mind and connects you to collaborators and potential clients.

There are the more classic forms to achieve visibility through marketing: email campaigns, commercials, Google ads, print advertising, promotions and sales, networking and other forward-facing initiatives. These all have a valid place in increasing the bottom line, getting a company’s message in front of prospects and propelling growth. However, collaboration, seeking new opportunities and building relationships are also valuable ways to increase visibility.

It requires connecting, asking to be part of the conversation, providing value and being a resource.

Whether you’re building your business in slippers and soft pants at home or rocking a suit and tie in the office, there are endless ways to get creative and take the action that works for you.

One way to get noticed is to work with another company, brand or individual to create something new. The key is each finding how to add value to what the other is doing. It’s a win that is give-give rather than give-take.

Sharing the spotlight and shining a light on others might seem counterintuitive but allows you both to achieve growth goals and reach new audiences.

Here are ways to collaborate with someone your audience would derive value from:

•    Sponsor an email newsletter or event.
•    Co-host events.
•    Share your platform: interviews, contributing bloggers, guest presenters for workshops.
•    Highlight other businesses’ posts on social media and shout them out.
•    Write someone a recommendation on LinkedIn.
•    Present a summit or panel discussion with other business owners.
•    Create something entirely new with others in your industry.
•    Team up to start a book club or focus group and invite both of your audiences.

Ask for Opportunities
Asking for opportunities can feel scary, whether asking to be on a podcast, stepping onto a stage or pitching for a guest-writing opportunity.

You have a product, service or idea other people could use, but if you decide to stay in hiding, that’s your choice. Instead, take yourself out of the equation and focus on the people you’re serving. What if asking for visibility gave you a chance to change someone’s life? When the inner critic creeps in, think of one person that needs to hear your message and take action from there. Don’t get stuck and hold yourself back by waiting until it feels perfect or less scary; reach out and ask today.

There are lots of experts out there, people who do exactly what you do and offer the same products. But there’s only one you. Focus on the value and transformation you’re going to provide and highlight what makes you unique. Then make the ask.

Don’t be Discouraged by No
Sometimes you will get turned down or ignored entirely. Don’t let it stop you. You never know where the next ask will take you.

Here are ideas to get visible:

• Ask to write a guest blog or article for a company you admire.
• Pitch to be on a podcast and provide value to their listeners.
• Apply to be a speaker at the next event where your ideal prospects are in the audience.
• Deliver clear, concise calls to action in your content.
• Post in a Facebook group sharing how you help.
• Check in with a community leader and ask how you can get involved.

Authentic relationship-building and visibility go hand in hand. Focus on quality vs. quantity and show up with a genuine desire to learn and add value.

Strive to build a supportive community of people who you give value to and who give value in return. Take part in conversations and community happening around you and look for ways to positively contribute to others in your network.

Relationships can take time and consistency, and they don’t build themselves. When you show up with a willingness to help others, the results can change your life and business.

Emily Aborn is a content writer, and owner and founder of the women’s entrepreneurship community, She Built This. For more information, visit

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