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Eversource to Invest Millions in Tree Trimming

Published Thursday Feb 23, 2017

In an effort to reduce tree-related power outages, Eversource Energy in Manchester developed its 2017 tree trimming plan that calls for  investing $41 million this year to prune trees in 150 NH communities that threaten power sources for area customers.

Eversource is the largest electric utility in NH, providing energy to more than 500,000 homes and businesses in 211 cities and towns. The tree trimming plan covers over 2,700 miles of overhead lines in the state, including 140 miles of work along roadways in Weare, 100 miles in Manchester and 85 in Laconia.

Arborists at Eversource say the lasting effects of the recent drought are continuing to affect the region, causing them to focus specifically on identifying and removing hazardous drought-stressed trees throughout their coverage area.

"The lack of rain and snow in the region over the past year-plus has taken a toll on trees, and managing them is even more vital than ever," says Bob Allen, manager of vegetation management at Eversource.

Customers are notified in advance if trimming is necessary on their property. However, Eversource says homeowners are responsible for tree maintenance on segments of property which fall outside of the company's 2017 plan. This includes recommendations for homeowners to keep branches away from the lower-voltage service wires connecting their homes and businesses to the main utility lines on the street.

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