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Clean Out Your Drawers

Published Monday Mar 7, 2011

Goodwill Industries of Northern New England is teaming with Hanes, well-known for its underwear, to launch a Clean Out Your Drawers effort and encourage Americans to donate responsibly.

Building on the strength of the Goodwill Donate Movement, a global public awareness initiative focusing on donating responsibly, the new partnership with Hanes will help consumers learn more about how they can donate their gently used items to have a positive effect on their community and the environment.

Hanes recently conducted research that sheds light into the usually dark spaces of our closets and drawers. According to a national survey commissioned by Hanes, most people wear only 70 percent of the items inside their drawers. Together, Goodwill and Hanes will encourage the public to organize, donate and replenish. The program was developed in response to an overwhelmingly common occurrence of cluttered, messy drawers and offers fun and easy solutions for getting organized.

"As a partner in Goodwill's Donate Movement, Hanes is increasing public knowledge of what it means to donate responsibly," said Judy Stone, board president of Goodwill Industries of Northern New England. "Goodwill and Hanes are asking consumers to make a commitment in reducing their environmental impact by cleaning out their drawers and donating those items to Goodwill, where they will help to provide job services for thousands of people."

Lorie Marrero, a certified professional organizer, creator of The Clutter Diet, contributor to Good Housekeeping and spokesperson for the donate movement, will serve as the Goodwill spokesperson for the Clean Out Your Drawers initiative. As a professional who helps people de-clutter their households, Marrero understands the importance of spring cleaning firsthand and she knows people should think twice about donating gently used clothing items.

"We wanted to use this program to highlight the power of responsible donations and what that can mean for communities," said Sidney Falken, senior vice president, Hanes brand. "We've learned through research that many people hold on to items they no longer need but these items can actually be used again and have a second life."

Visit for more information and tips about Clean Out Your Drawers.

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