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Acing a Boardroom Presentation

Published Friday Mar 25, 2016


Putting together a good presentation isn’t as difficult as it may seem, even if your audience is your company’s Board of Directors.As you get started on your presentation notes, consider the following:

1. Begin planning your presentation as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the easier it will be to procrastinate and the less time you’ll have to fix problems that might arise. 

2. Review any key points your boss asks you to cover.

3. Understand what your boss wants the outcome of your presentation to be.

4. Decide whether or not to use PowerPoint for your presentation. This will depend on the size of the room and who will be attending the meeting, but consider flip charts or electronic boards for a group smaller than 30 people. These tools are more interactive and effective  for smaller group settings.

5. Stories and humor can enhance a presentation, but they have to be relevant and interesting/funny.

6. Figure out what you need to do to get yourself ready to deliver your peak performance, including getting enough sleep the night before and having breakfast.

7. Practice your speech in front of friends, family or colleagues. 

8. Edit your presentation as thoroughly as possible. Try reading it aloud or editing a printed copy instead of reading it solely on your computer screen. 

9. Have your boss introduce you with an interesting biography that highlights your qualifications to be delivering this presentation.

10. If your presentation is data-heavy, offer to send the presentation to any interested audience members.

As daunting as public speaking is for most people, it doesn’t need to be, and these simple steps can help you ace your next big presentation.

Natalie R. Manor is the founder and CEO of Natalie Manor & Associates, a business consultation firm in Tennessee.

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