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A Ticket to Higher Insurance Rates

Published Tuesday Jul 16, 2019

A Ticket to Higher Insurance Rates

With summer travel in high gear, law enforcement often cracks down on dangerous driving behavior. The Zebra, an auto insurance comparison website, has calculated how much 26 different traffic tickets will cost a New Hampshire driver after the fine...specifically how much more they’ll need to hand over to their car insurance company for the next three years.

The Zebra published research detailing just how much auto insurance costs go up annually depending on which ticket you get.

Here’s some common tickets and how much they’ll raise car insurance rates annually in New Hampshire. Generally, the penalty stays on your car insurance record for three years:

  • Speeding in a school zone: $292/year
  • Driving too slowly: $234/year
  • Driving with an open container: $622/year
  • DUI: $797/year
  • Racing: $1,132/year (That’s a 102% insurance rate increase for NH residents)
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