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When to Call in Sick

Published Wednesday Oct 5, 2016

Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton made the news this summer when she skipped out on a campaign event because she had come down with pneumonia. The news articles focused on whether her sickness proved her unfit for office. But the truth of the matter, for most of us, is this: Our job security or a lack of sick days, not our political future, leads to fears of calling in sick.

That leads to co-workers hacking their way through the office as summer turns to fall—a harbinger of achy, sniffly nights to come for the rest of the office.

According to Career Builder, while 38 percent of employees called in sick in 2015 when they felt well, 54 percent went to work sick because they feared the work wouldn't get done. For those falsely calling in sick, the survey reported some memorable stories including one who claimed his grandmother poisoned him with ham (Really!). See the full survey results here.


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