HRCU, a credit union in Rochester, recently helped furnish two bedrooms at Abi’s Place, also in Rochester and a new transitional housing facility for mothers recovering from addiction. Abi's Place is operated by Hope on Haven Hill.
HRCU staff outfitted the rooms of the house, the former rectory of St. Mary’s Church, with baby furniture including cribs and dressers, as well as, window treatments and handmade quilts and baby blankets made by HRCU staff members.
Abi’s Place is a residence for graduates of Hope on Haven Hill and personal support as well as programs that provide employment training, health care for themselves and their babies, and continuing care for their recovery.
Founded in 2016, Hope on Haven Hill is one of only two NH residential treatment centers for pregnant and postpartum homeless women in recovery for substance use disorders. In honor of Abi Lizotte, Abi’s Place will continue the mission of cultivating hope for new mothers in recovery.
“The work being done by Hope on Haven Hill is incredible” says HRCU President and CEO Brian Hughes. “Getting to know Kerry Norton, the operations and development director, inspires me and all of us to want to help in any way we can. Seeing the HRCU staff take such pride in helping to outfit the rooms was very gratifying. Abi’s Place and what it stands for will be a tremendous resource right here in Rochester.”
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Pictured above HRCU employees, top row, from left, Kristy Methot, AVP of financial services; Chris Maxwell, director of human resources; Beth Tuttle, concierge; Jeanette Poulin, VP of marketing and development, bottom row, from left: Rob Huntress, facilities; Derek Peters, facilities Manager; Brian Hughes president and CEO.